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Dr. Shereen Habib .


Physician | General Practice


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Profile for Dr. Shereen Habib .

Having grown up between the UK and the UAE, I chose to study medicine in London. I trained at Guy's and St Thomas's Medical school and qualified in 1997. I went on to do my postgraduate GP training in Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire. Whilst doing my general practice rotation I had a special interest in women's health issues and so completed a diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in London as well as a diploma in Fertility and Family Planning. Along the way I got married and now have three children!

I returned to the UAE in late 2002. I worked for three years as a university campus GP looking after students, faculty, staff and their families. I decided I needed a change so started working in the private sector in 2006. I enjoy family practice because it alows me to build up a relationship with the patients and their families. Working in the UAE is also an exciting challenge as I am exposed to so many different cultures and beliefs.

Dr. Shereen Habib .'s specialty is General Practice and currently works as a Physician.

She speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Shereen Habib .

Dr. Shereen Habib . is practicing at Well Woman Clinic


Well Woman Clinic

We’re here for you. The Well Women Clinic deals specifically with medical issues related to women. A one-stop ... read more



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