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Dr. Samina Jamil


Pediatrician and Neonatologist | Pediatrics

English, Urdu

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Profile for Dr. Samina Jamil

Dr. Samina Jamil a Fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics, is a Board certified Pediatrician and Neonatologist, trained in USA and practiced over there for more than 20 years before coming to American Hospital of Dubai.

She also has been involved in teaching Medical students, Residents, Nurses and Fellow Physicians. She has been a faculty member of Wayne State University School of Medicine in Michigan, UTMB and Baylor College of Medicine in Texas.

She has done many presentations about diseases of Neonatology and Pediatrics both Nationally and Internationally and has received award on presentation of “Surfactant” by Howard University in Washington DC; A drug which was discovered to be used to develop premature lungs and has been used very successfully in care of Premature as well as sick Term babies with respiratory problems. She has been involved in clinical trials in research of Infasurf and has great success in caring for her sick newborns with respiratory problems

Her main interest is caring for sick newborns, but she feels pride in taking care of children of all ages. In summary her passion is Pediatrics including Neonatology; she enjoys working with parents and strives doing best for their children.

She was recognized and Published in “Who is Who” by Cambridge and then in American Academy of Pediatrics Newsletter for excellent patient care.

Dr. Samina also has experience and success in developing NICUs (for caring of sick newborns)in different hospitals in Texas, USA. These hospitals feel pride of their NICU units as one of their best units in the whole hospital.

Dr. Samina Jamil's specialty is Pediatrics and currently works as a Pediatrician and Neonatologist.

She speaks English, Urdu.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Samina Jamil

Dr. Samina Jamil is practicing at American Hospital, Dubai


American Hospital, Dubai

Established in Oud Metha, Dubai in 1996, The American Hospital, Dubai provides US standards of healthcare in ... read more



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