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Dr. Pooja Gupta

MBBS, MD (Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy)

Specialist Cosmetic Dermatologist | Dermatology


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Profile for Dr. Pooja Gupta

Dr. Pooja Gupta, MBBS (Maulana Azad Medical College), M.D. (Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy) is working as a Specialist Dermatologist at Aster Clinic, Aswaaq Mall.

She completed her graduation in 2004 and has had a diverse range of experiences from working as a junior resident in the fields of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, managing both out-patients and admitted patients.

After completing her MD, she worked at Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai which gave her a vast exposure to various current techniques used in cosmetology which was further enhanced when she moved to the Philippines. Her diverse exposures, treating different profiles of patients with various diseases, from different nationalities have made her experience rich and she continues to learn and grow through her experiences.



  • Secured 4th rank in Delhi Post Graduate entrance exam

  • 36th Rank in Delhi M.B.B.S. Entrance Examination



  • Thesis paper – Xanthelasma Palpebrarum: A marker of premature atherosclerosis (risk of atherosclerosis in xanthelasma) published in postgrad Medical Journal ( Pandhi D, Gupta p. singal A, et al. Postgrad Med J 2012)

  • Papers selected for Oral and Poster presentation at the World Congress of Dermatology in Seoul in 2011.

  • Annual DermaCon -2010, 38th annual IADVL, National Conference, Lucknow : Paper presented in Award Paper category titled- “ A Case-Controlled Study to Evaluate Significance of Xanthelasma Palpebrarym as a Marker of Dyslipidemia, Dyslipoproteinemia and Atherosclerosis.”

  • Annual CutiCon of IADVL-Delhi State Branch, December 2009, Paper presented in Award Paper category at Young Dermatologist’s Forum, titled- “A Case-Controlled Study to Evaluate Signifivance of Xanthelasma Palpebrarum as a Marker of Dyslipidemia, Dyslipoproteinemia and Atherosclerosis.”

Dr. Pooja Gupta's specialty is Dermatology and currently works as a Specialist Cosmetic Dermatologist.

She speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Pooja Gupta

Dr. Pooja Gupta is practicing at Aster Clinic, Business Bay


Aster Clinic, Business Bay

Aster Clinic redefines the concepts of proximity, accessibility, and affordability. We have brought our expert doctors and ... read more



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