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Dr. Mohamed Mohamed Yousef A. Nazari

Swedish Board in Ophthalmology Member, ESCRS, ASCRS, RANZCO

Consultant Ophthalmologist | Opthalmology

English, Arabic

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Profile for Dr. Mohamed Mohamed Yousef A. Nazari

Dr. Mohamed Nazari obtained his Medical Degree from Bangalore University in India in 1987 and was certified by the Swedish Board of Ophthalmology in 1996. He went on to complete his Fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus at Tuft University, Boston in 1998.

Dr. Nazari has attended a great number of courses, conferences and meetings across the world in his area of specialty. He is also a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology as well as many other regional organizations. He has a vast work and operative experience and his interests extend to research and teaching.


Head of Ophthalmology Department and Consultant Ophthalmologist at United Medical Center and Al-Baraha Hospital in Dubai


Advanced Anterior Segment Surgeries including Cataract, Glaucoma, etc.

Taking care of any acute trauma to the eye

Laser operation for several conditions in the Retina such as Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Hole, etc.

Laser for Glaucoma and after Cataract

Management of medical Retinal Diseases

Management of Uveitis (i.e. Inflammatory diseases in anterior and posterior segments of the eye)

All diagnostic procedures for general Ophthalmology services for adults including OCT, A and B Scab, Visual Field, etc.

Dr. Mohamed Mohamed Yousef A. Nazari's specialty is Opthalmology and currently works as a Consultant Ophthalmologist.

He speaks English, Arabic.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Mohamed Mohamed Yousef A. Nazari

Dr. Mohamed Mohamed Yousef A. Nazari is practicing at United Medical Center


United Medical Center

We work together towards a healthier society United Medical Center is a truly Emirati outpatient facility located at ... read more



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