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Dr. Mayada Khader Abu Dayyeh

Bachelor in Nutrition and Food

Nutritionist | Nutrition


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Profile for Dr. Mayada Khader Abu Dayyeh

Mayada Khader Abu Dayyeh started her career in 2004. Her responsibilities include assigning a specific diet after diagnosing a patient case, taking into consideration their health history. Mayada overlooks daily patient meals prepared in-house by the kitchen staff and daily rounds on patient follow ups.

Mayada was in charge of the food testing and analysis preparation to meet Jordan Food Standards. She has had experience in the food analysis department using chemical tests, biological tests and fungal tests in the Ministry of Health, Food and Drugs establishment in Jordan.

Dr. Mayada Khader Abu Dayyeh's specialty is Nutrition and currently works as a Nutritionist.

She speaks Arabic,English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Mayada Khader Abu Dayyeh

Dr. Mayada Khader Abu Dayyeh is practicing at Al Moosa Clinics & Day Surgery Center


Al Moosa Clinics & Day Surgery Center

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