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Dr. Mamoun Elkheir Saad Omer

Specialist General Pediatrics | Pediatrics


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Profile for Dr. Mamoun Elkheir Saad Omer

Dr. Mamoun Elkheir Omer, holds Diploma of General Medicine from Faculty of Medicine, IASI University - Romania in the year 1982. He then completed his Diploma of Specialization in Paediatrics from Faculty of Medicine Joseph Fournier - University Grenoble, France

He specialises in Paediatrics with overall clinical experience of more than 30 years and has been associated with NMC for more than 17 years. He has experience of working in various countries including Sudan, Libya and France in addition to UAE

He specialises in Paediatrics and has conducted procedures such as Lumbar puncture, Pleural aspiration, Peritoneal aspiration, Pneumothorax drainage, Suprapubic aspiration, Denudation, Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy and Ressuctation in labour room

He is trained in Basic Life Support, Neonatal Resuscitation Program and Pediatric Advanced Life Support

He has participated in WHO programmes in Acute Respiratory Infections, CDD and Expanded Program for Immunization. He is also trained in Tropical Disease management

He has participated in various national and international conferences and seminars on Paediatrics

Dr. Mamoun can speak Arabic, English, French and Romanian

Dr. Mamoun Elkheir Saad Omer's specialty is Pediatrics and currently works as a Specialist General Pediatrics.

He speaks English,French,Romanian.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Mamoun Elkheir Saad Omer

Dr. Mamoun Elkheir Saad Omer is practicing at NMC Royal Medical Centre Al Bateen


NMC Royal Medical Centre Al Bateen

Healthcare is a location intensive industry and it is important for facilities to be present close to ... read more



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