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Dr. Krishnakumar Thattakkat


Pediatrician | Pediatrics


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Profile for Dr. Krishnakumar Thattakkat

Dr. Krishnakumar Thattakkat, with over 20 years of medical expertise and specialized experience, is a Consultant Pediatrician at American Hospital Dubai.

Upon completing his MBBS, followed by specialization in Pediatrics and his certification as a Diplomate of the National Board in Pediatrics in India, Dr. Thattakkat went on to earn the ?best outgoing student of the year? acclaim and a gold medal from the Gujarat University and B.J. Medical College in Ahmedabad in 1996.

He moved to the UK shortly after, training with the National Health Service and successfully completing his MRCPCH in 2004. This was followed by more advanced Pediatric training as a Specialist Registrar at the prestigious Alder Hey Children?s Hospital, Liverpool, UK; one of the largest Children?s hospitals in Europe.

His professional journey led him to other reputed institutions such as the Birmingham Children?s Hospital and the Liverpool Women?s Hospital. He was awarded the CCT-UK and FRCPCH in 2010 and 2011 respectively, and has worked as a Consultant Pediatrician in the UK for the better part of the past decade in substantive posts.

Dr. Thattakkat is also an accredited clinical examiner of the MRCPCH, UK; a regular conference and presentation participant, and continues to publish his work in peer-reviewed publications. He has also secured a Post graduate Diploma in Clinical Education from the University of Plymouth, UK and he was awarded the title of Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy for his significant contributions to clinical pediatric training and teaching.

Dr. Krishnakumar Thattakkat's specialty is Pediatrics and currently works as a Pediatrician.

He speaks English,Hindi,Malayalam.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Krishnakumar Thattakkat

Dr. Krishnakumar Thattakkat is practicing at American Hospital, Dubai; Ahalia Hospital, Hamdan, Abu Dhabi


American Hospital, Dubai

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Ahalia Hospital, Hamdan, Abu Dhabi

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