Profile for Dr. Gaurav U Sood
Dr. Gaurav U Sood completed his M.S in Ophthalmology from B.J Medical College, Ahmedabad. Dr. Sood is a glaucoma specialist with over 11 years? experience.
Dr. Sood, specialises in performing and interpreting various glaucoma diagnostic procedures such as visual fields/perimetry, OCT, Gonioscopy, optic disc photography & applanation tonometry. He has performed thousands of Glaucoma laser procedures including YAG peripheral iridotomy, SLT and DLCP.
His in-depth knowledge of medical management of glaucoma and maintaining target pressure in glaucoma patients. He is highly skilled Glaucoma surgeon having performed more than 5000 complex glaucoma surgeries & bleb repairs. He has presented paper in various international conferences.
Dr. Sood, can speak in English, Hindi, Gujarati & Punjabi.
Dr. Gaurav U Sood's specialty is Opthalmology and currently works as a Specialist Glaucoma Surgeon.
He speaks English,Hindi,.
Practicing Locations of Dr. Gaurav U Sood
Dr. Gaurav U Sood is practicing at NMC Specialty Hospital, Dubai
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