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Dr. Fatma Aljassim

Swedish Board in Paediatrics

Consultant Paediatric Pulmonologist | Pediatrics

English, Arabic, Swedish, Urdu

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Profile for Dr. Fatma Aljassim


Dr. Aljassim gained her medical degree at The Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University, Sweden before returning to Dubai to complete her internship with the Dubai Health Authority.  She gained the Swedish Board in Paediatrics and her fellowship in Paediatric Pulmonology and Bronchoscopy from Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital, also in Sweden.

She joins Mediclinic from her position at Latifa Hospital, Dubai.

Dr. Fatma Aljassim's specialty is Pediatrics and currently works as a Consultant Paediatric Pulmonologist.

She speaks English, Arabic, Swedish, Urdu.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Fatma Aljassim

Dr. Fatma Aljassim is practicing at Mediclinic City Hospital, Dubai Healthcare City


Mediclinic City Hospital, Dubai Healthcare City

In 2006, Mediclinic International acquired a stake in Dubai’s Emirates Healthcare group and their first order of ... read more



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