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Dr. Bou Bou Khalil

MSc In Human Nutrition

Nutritionist | Nutrition


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Profile for Dr. Bou Bou Khalil

As a clinical dietitian recognized among the top dietitians in Lebanon, Mrs. Cynthia believes that teaching people on how to eat healthy, results in preventing diseases and increasing health.

She started her career in Lebanon when she opened her own nutritional clinic where she provided one-on-one nutrition consultation and personalized dietary plans for people suffering from excess weight or other medical problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol.

In addition to teaching nutritional courses in Sharjah University, Cynthia is a regular guest speaker on television shows such as MBC?s Sabah Al-Khair ya Arab and Fatafeat; She was a Keynote speaker in numerous health & nutrition conferences and conducted many workshops in schools to raise awareness about the importance of Kids Nutrition.
Mrs. Cynthia looks at the health history and lifestyle of her patients in order to provide the most customized, balanced and unique nutrition plan. She also gives them constant support and motivation so they can reach their goal successfully. She is fluent in Arabic, English and French.

Dr. Bou Bou Khalil's specialty is Nutrition and currently works as a Nutritionist.

She speaks Arabic,English,French.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Bou Bou Khalil

Dr. Bou Bou Khalil is practicing at Omni Care Medical Center


Omni Care Medical Center

Omnicare Medical Centre is the home of a multi-specialty individualized healthcare provider located in the heart of ... read more



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