Profile for Dr. Asha Ashokan
Dr Asha Asokan has 14 years experience in Ophthalmology working as a specialist Ophthalmologist both in the Middle East and India. She has secured certification and fellowship from International Council of Ophthalmology US and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow UK as well as short term fellowship in Retina from Aravind Eye Hospital Madurai , India and RIO Thiruvananthapuram.
She is expertise in diagnosing and managing Medical Ophthalmological cases .Interpretation of Fundus Flourescein Angiography, B scan ultrasonography, Digital fundus photography, Optical coherence tomography ,Corneal Topography, Humphreys Phymetry and Pachymetry.
Dr. Asha Ashokan's specialty is Opthalmology and currently works as a Opthalmologist.
She speaks English,Hindi,Malayalam.
Practicing Locations of Dr. Asha Ashokan
Dr. Asha Ashokan is practicing at Taha Medical Centre
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